What clients are saying

When I had had enough of an MRI, and started to panic, I imagined that it was the end of yoga class and a deliciously long savasana.  My body almost instantly relaxed and I got through it. Climbing up the stairs at the end of a long day, I can hear you telling me to press each foot into the floor.  And breathe. A mudra when I can’t sleep, so many things are small and powerful. J.E. Age 54

Everything in my life has changed. My heart, my consciousness, my overall health, my shoulder and adrenal health, my mood, my openness. The river now flows instead of being an ice field.  G.K. Age 62

This class is a refuge, people I have come to trust as safe. As a neurodivergent woman, I feel very accepted and safe here, respected as I am. Each class is a home for me. Your teaching and consistency has changed the way I relate to my body and the world, showing me I can be more present and joyful in a frightening world. I am able to see more clearly what is important to attend to. My compassion has a home here. B.B. Age 65

I sought out Anne's help for chronic neck and back pain that I've experienced for years With the yoga therapy sessions and home program my decline in pain has been steady and consistent over a short period of time.  Yet, what I am most surprised with is the new sense of presence I feel in my body on a daily basis, through the demands of my work and personal life.  I've seen improvements in my sleep cycles, pain levels, and making decisions to improve my health.  I have even stopped smoking in this time period.   ~ T.C. Age 37

As an epileptic with grand mal seizures, I am used to trauma, but this past year I had some very serious accidents where I hit my face so hard during a seizure that I knocked my teeth out. Anne’s work and guidance with me convinced me of what I was only barely starting to realize: that due to trauma, among other things, I was not in my body. With Anne I have slowly, and seemingly to me miraculously, found my way back to myself. Healing is no easy nor direct path, but through Anne- not just her classes or treatments but from who she just is and radiates as a unique human being, I have learned and gained more in a relatively short period of time than in all my years of chiropractic work, acupuncture, energy work and healing. I feel very blessed to have found Anne Woods and her unique practice. ~ J.C. Age 49

When I began working with Anne, I could not even lie flat for a minute because of breathing difficulties due to asthma. Anne has been gradually helping me deepen my breathing, especially extending the outbreath. She is the first person ever (!) to suggest that I could actually have some control over the asthma and teach me ways to take that control. As a result of her patient guidance, my symptoms have reduced to the point that I have not used my rescue inhaler for over four months, the longest since diagnosed with asthma 16 years ago. I have incorporated one simple standing exercise she taught me into my daily life, practicing this posture whenever I need grounding. Anne moves with an authentic humility and grace which makes trusting her wisdom possible, and working with her a gift.  D.P. Age 61

Your class is much more than stretches and hard positions I could never do, and never was attracted to doing. The intricacies of the body, the relationships between body parts, etc., are clearly understandable and by the end of the classes I feel quietly alive and amazingly connected and coordinated. B.D. Age 76